Tuesday, May 1, 2012


    You've heard of 5 Hour Energy, but have you ever tasted it?

How does All Day Energy sound? I'm really excited to tell you about this "energy drink".

I've tried energy drinks in the past, with very little satisfaction in both taste and results. I was very skeptical of this, and how such a little amount could possibly keep me energized. Here's what I'm  
Talking about

 One day I started to feel a little tired so I took a serving, but I didn't notice a big jump like all energy drinks give you. However, I wasn't tired anymore either, it was a really smooth and gradual awakening vs. a giant shock of energy. This stuff tastes amazing too, you don't have to take it straight from the bottle either. I know my mom combines it in her water and drinks that throughout the day. If you do decide to guzzle the whole thing down in one sitting it won't hurt you at all. You will just have a Niacin Flush. For some people it's more noticeable then others, basically all it does is turn your face bright red for awhile, then it goes down.

To find out the ingredients click here and download the ingredient deck

To get your own Zilla supply click Buy Now

If you have any questions feel free to email me: colbywilson@hotmail.com


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